Kisan Mela Sabour 2019

Kisan Mela Sabour 2019

Bihar Animal Sciences University Patna was awarded first position in stall show at Annual Kisan Mela – 2019 was organized by Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour Bhagalpur on 25th February, 2019.
The Kisan Mela was of three days duration and ranged from 23-25th February 2019. The theme of Kisan Mela was “Enhancement of farmer’s income through Organic Farming and Nutritious Grains” In the Kisan Mela, a total of 133 stalls were arranged which were consisting of different departments of Bihar Agricultural University Sabour, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, NGO’s, Private organizations working in the area of Agricultural and allied sectors. Faculty of BASU actively participated in judging the animals in the Animal Show organized on 24th February, 2019 at the Mela premises.
Bihar Animal Sciences University Patna actively participated in the Kisan Mela. Team for Kisan Mela was leaded by Dr. Saroj Kr. Rajak, Asstt. Professor, Extension and Dr. Manoj Kr. Singh, Asstt. Professor, Veterinary Anatomy and Sri Bandhan Singh, staff of Extension Department. In the stall of BASU a total of 350 farmers and thousands of local people visited in three days’ duration. A total of 142 livestock farmers were given free of cost advice for production and diseases related cases. Information displayed in the stall was very much useful for the farmers and was in the form of Posters, Chart, Map, Model, dummy of animals. Thousands of Extension materials prepared by BASU, in the form of leaflet and phamphlets were distributed free of cost to the farmers and local people on this occasion.
Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor Bihar Animal Sciences University Dr. Rameshwar Singh was chief guest on the valedictory ceremony of the Kisan Mela on 25th February, 2019. In his speech he emphasised on paradigm shift taking place in agriculture and allied sectors. He deliberated various measures for increasing the income of farmers through scientific interventions.